Benos Lab Papers Accepted in Nucleic Acids Res.
Congratulations to Abha for her DiSCO paper and to Grace and Harry for their mirConnX server paper, both accepted in Nucleic Acids Res. (DiSCO paper, mirConnX paper)…
Congratulations to Abha for her DiSCO paper and to Grace and Harry for their mirConnX server paper, both accepted in Nucleic Acids Res. (DiSCO paper, mirConnX paper)…
After 2 great years with us Abha leaves the lab to go to sunny Berkeley. We wish her the best of luck.
Congratulations to Grace, for her excellent presentation at the 2010 RECOMB satelite meeting in Regulatory Genomics…
The new miRconnX server (formely miRconnect) goes live!…
Grace‘s abstract was selected for an oral presentation at the 2010 RECOMB satelite meeting in Regulatory Genomics…
The group participates in a publication in the Am J Respir Crit Care Med, where the role of microRNAs in IPF is highlighted for the first time. (read the Science Daily article)…