All Posts by

Takis Benos

Takis Benos - Epidemiology - UF

Robert has a first author paper accepted in PLoS Medicine

Congratulations to our group member, Robert Gregg, for the acceptance of his first author paper in PLoS Medicine.  His paper is entitled “Identification of Factors Directly Linked to Incident Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Causal Graph Modeling Study”. In this study, Robert identified clinical and imaging factors that are directly…

Tyler has a first author paper accepted in eClinicalMedicine

Congratulations to our group member, Tyler Lovelace, for the acceptance of his first author paper in eClinicalMedicine.  His paper is entitled “Development and validation of a mortality risk prediction model for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a cross-sectional study using probabilistic graphical modelling”. For the first time, we were able to identify and compare the…

Khaled has a first author paper accepted in Hepatology Communications

Congratulations to our group member, Khaled Sayed (now at the University of New Haven), for the acceptance of his first author paper in Hepatology Communications.  This paper is entitled “A plasma peptidomic signature reveals extracellular matrix remodeling and predicts prognosis in alcohol-related hepatitis” and presents the analysis results of degradome profiles in patients with different…

Congratulations to Michael for 1st place for his presentation on PHHP Days

Congratulations to Michael for winning the first place among graduate student presentations in College of Public Health and Health Professions (PHHP) Days at UF. He presented his work on AI methods for identifying antimicrobial resistant bacteria. Congratulations Michael! URL:…

Khaled co-authors a Nature Communications paper

Congratulations to our group member, Khaled Sayed (now at the University of New Haven), for the acceptance of his second author paper that was conditionally accepted in Nature Communications.  This paper is entitled “Prognostic Insights from Longitudinal Multicompartment Study of Host-Microbiota Interactions in Critically Ill Patients” and is led by our long-time collaborator, Dr. Georgios…

Congratulations Dr. Zeng (thesis defense)

Congratulations to Wenjie for defending her PhD thesis, entitled “Integrative analysis of clinical and single-cell transcriptomic data for the precision diagnosis and intervention of Sjögren‘s disease”. Wenjie joined our groupwhen i moved to Florida, less than 2 years ago. S…

Wenjie has a first author paper accepted in Lancet Rheumatology

Congratulations to Wenjie Zeng for the acceptance of her first co-author Lancet Rheumatology paper, which is entitled “The novel Florida Scoring System for stratifying children suspected of Sjögren’s disease: findings from the first data-driven cross-sectional study applied to a rare pediatric cohort“. In this paper, Wenjie developed a new classification system for childhood…

Khaled co-authors a paper in AJRCMB (Red journal)

Congratulations to Khaled Sayed for the acceptance of his AJRCMB paper (“Red journal”), which is entitled “Lung epithelium releases growth differentiation factor 15 in response to pathogen-mediated injury”. This paper examines role of GDF15 during pathogen injury, especially in lung epithelium. An interesting conclusion for this study is a potential blood-lung communication pathway.

Robert publishes an Applications Note paper in Bioinformatics

Congratulations to Robert Greg for the acceptance of his Applications Note paper in Bioinformatics. The paper is entitled “CellularPotts.jl: Simulating Multiscale Cellular Models in Julia” and it describes a Julia package that Robert developed to allow users to simulate multi scale cellular models. Congratulations Robert!       Paper availability:…

Congratulations Dr. Yuan (thesis defense)

Right before Thanksgiving, Daniel defended his PhD thesis, entitled “Causal graph methods for heterogeneous data and application to MUC1 cancer vaccine response”. Daniel joined our group 5 years ago and has worked on causal modeling algorithms both from the computational and the application standpoint. He will soon move to Maryland…