Congratulations to Dr. Kristina Buschur for the acceptance of her first author Respiratory Research paper, which is entitled “Distinct COPD subtypes in former smokers revealed by gene network perturbation analysis”. In this paper, Kristina used her ssNPA algorithm (Bushur, Chikina, Benos, 2020, Bioinformatics) to identify COPD subtypes from blood gene expression data (COPDGene cohort). The four identified subtypes differ with respect to symptoms, spirometry and mortality. The results were validated in left out COPDGene samples and samples from the MESA cohort.
Kristina is a former PhD student in our group and upon her graduation she became a T32 postdoctoral fellow at Columbia University.
Paper availability: [journal web site]
Congratulations to Kristina and thanks to COPDGene and Columbia teams for their help!